- Multiple DatesThu, Feb 20
- Multiple DatesSat, Mar 08
About Us
No book but the Bible. No Creed but Christ. No name but Christian.
No theory but the Gospel. No objective but Service.
In Christ, unity, in all things Love for one another.
To God Be the Glory
Sunday Bible Study 9:45am
Sunday Worship 10:45am
Sunday Evenings Schedule:
1st Sundays - Singing Night 6pm at the building.
2nd Sundays - Small Groups at selected homes (see Events page for more info)
3rd Sundays - Regular Sunday evening at 6 PM
4th Sundays - Service Classes 6pm at the building
5th Sundays - Joint Worship with Spanish Brethren. Fellowship meal following worship and a short devotional. No evening service.
Wednesday Schedule:
Ladies' Bible Study: 10:00am
Evening Bible Study: 6:30pm

Our Minister

Seth Williams
Seth began working with Roseville as our full-time minister in September of 2021. He graduated from Freed Hardeman University with a degree in Biblical Studies and has begun work on a Masters Degree in Biblical Leadership from Sunset International Bible Institute. Seth and his wife Sunni were married in 2022 and are expecting their 1st child in March. Seth and Sunni have a passion for the church, and a passion for evangelism. If you have any questions or just want to speak to Seth you can contact him at (916) 783-3640 or (256) 702-8868.
Our Elders

Dick Maynard
Dick works as a CPA and has been attending Roseville since 1985. He and his wife Betty were married in 1985 and have four children.

John Pendley
John is retired after 37 years in education and has attended Roseville since 2015. He and his wife Melissa were married in 1975. They have three children and three grandchildren.

Paul Watson
Paul works for a local landscape supply company and has been attending Roseville since 2000. He and his wife Jan were married in 1993. They have seven children and twenty-five grandchildren.

Trent Wilson
Trent is an educator by profession and has attended Roseville since 2013. He and his wife, Mariah, were married in 2001 and they have three daughters
Our Deacons

Jose Ayala / Spanish Ministry
Jose serves as the minister to our Spanish speaking brethren who have been worshipping here at Roseville since 2016. Jose works for a solar installation company. He and his wife Doris were married in 2007 and they have two sons.

Robert Goff / Youth Coordinator
Robert has attended Roseville since 1984 and has been actively involved in many areas. Robert serves as our Youth Coordinator, scheduling activities and events for our youth group. He and his wife Katrina were married in 1986 and they have two sons.

Adam Hooper / Worship
Adam serves as our worship coordinator. Adam has been a member of the Church of Christ since 1983 and has been attending Roseville since 2021. Adam works as superintendent for a local HVAC company. He and his wife Alanda were married in 1995 and have five kids.

Larry Spencer / Facilities
Larry is a long-time member of the Roseville church of Christ and has been involved in facilities since the 1980s. He and his wife Karen were married in 1988, and they have two children and two grandchildren.

David Web / Finance
David has been attending Roseville since 1956 and has managed the finances at Roseville for 41 years. David is a retired federal worker and a widower after 48 years of marriage. He has two children and three grandchildren.

John Wendt / Benevolence
John finds and assigns men to perform the various tasks during our Sunday worship time. He also handles any external benevolence requests. John has been attending Roseville since 2008. He and his wife, Carolyn, were married in 1986 and they have two children.

Jim McPeak / Missions & Print Ministry
Jim was baptized in 1953 at the East Oakland church of Christ. He and his wife Virginia have been married for 58 years and are blessed with 2 children and 5 grandchildren. Jim has been blessed with eight short term mission trips including Nigeria, Kenya, and Malawi. Jim and Virginia both love mission work with an emphasis on World Bible School, World English Institute, and Print Ministry

Ministerio en Español - Spanish Ministry
Celebramos la gracia salvadora de Dios con alegría, paz y acción de gracias.
[Celebrate God’s Saving Grace in Joy, Peace and Thanksgiving]
Visítenos. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
[Come Visit Us, All are Welcome!]
Contact Us
Get in touch with Roseville Church of Christ to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
1799 Cirby Way, Roseville, CA 95661, USA
(916) 783-3640